
POWDERED laundry detergent

Thanks Jennifer for another great blog for all our members!!

After the “Making Laundry Detergent” blog was posted, a couple of the readers inquired if there was a powdered version. I am happy to share that recipe with you all now.

Homemade POWDERED laundry detergent

You will need
  • 1 bar soap - grated (any soap will do but try basic ones like ivory or felsnaptha...if you prefer you can also use a castille soap).
  • 1/2 cup borax (can be found in laundry aisle of most grocery stores).
  • 1 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Agent (make sure it says "washing agent" as the regular baking soda will NOT work), can also be found in laundry aisle.
  • A storage container.

Let’s make it
  • Grate the bar of soap.
  • Add borax and super washing agent powders to the empty container.
  • Mix everything thoroughly!

To use

Use ONE, yes…just ONE tablespoon of the mixture per load.

Large batch
If you want to invest in a LARGE load of it just remember you can pour the entire box of the borax in along with 3 boxes of the Super Washing Agent and 19 grated bars of soap, mix VERY well. A Large batch like this will need a two gallon sized storage container! You will have YEARS worth of laundry detergent for approximately $31.00

Seems so much easier than the liquid version, does it? Personally, I prefer the liquid version, it allows me to play “mad scientist” and go all “bubble, bubble…toil and trouble” over it…LoL. Yes, I am a very silly person…but my family loves me anyway hehe. :-P
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God Bless!!

1 comment:

  1. I've been making this powdered laundry detergent for about a year now. I have a front loading washing machine & it works very well.
