Nicky wrote...
My tomatoes are getting black, soft spots directly on the bottom while still green and not very big. They are up off of the ground and look beautiful until you notice the bottoms. What could be causing this?
Hi Nicky:)
Sorry this is happening to your tomatoes. This issue you are having is called Blossom End Rot (BOO!!). Now, even though the end is rotting you can always let your tomatoes ripen, then just cut that area off and eat the rest of the tomato being sure to put the rotted area in your worm bin or composter.
So how does this happen?
This problem can be caused by a number of things but lets touch on some of them and there fixes for you and see if we can help you and others who are reading this.
- Sporadic Watering: Tomatoes like it when they are watered around the same time per day. If they are not, they can (at times) get end rot because the watering allows the plant to take up calcium that is in the soil. Stick to your watering times. Make sure to touch the soil to see if it is wet, damp, or dry. You want the soil damp.
- FIX: Stick to your watering times. Make sure to touch the soil to see if it is wet, damp, or dry. You want the soil damp.
- Dry Soil: Soil that is left to become to dry will really push your tomato plants to produce blossom end rot. Why? They cannot take up the calcium.
- FIX: Make sure soil is damp.
- Calcium Deficiency:There may not be enough calcium in the soil and so blossom end rot will be on it's way:(
- FIX: Take a few egg shells from your chickens (if you have chickens), boil the shells to make sure there clean from anything like salmonella. You can also use the water you boiled the shell and pour it in your garden. Crush the shells up real good, then you want to spread the crushed shell around in the hole when you plant your tomatoes. At least a spoon full:)

You can also use mulch to retain the water in the soil. Mulching can also keep soil very healthy and that means overall health for your plants. You will be way less likely to get blossom end rot if you mulch!
Adding some epsom salt can also reduce stress in plants and help them take up nutrients and calcium.
I hope all these tips help, God Bless!
You can see my other tomato plant care videos HERE!
This is happening to my squash for the last 3 years. The squash get about 3 inches long then the bottom end (where the flower is) starts to rot. I have egg shells in the soil and keep well watered. My zucchini is doing lovely right beside it. I don't know.
ReplyDeleteAdd some calcium to your soil. Be sure Ph is correct. Greensand is a good amendment and will adjust PH but takes time! Be sure your soil Ph is acid for tomatoes. 1 T apple cider vinegar & 1 T of molasses in 1 gal water good source of iron and sulfur. Most vegetables like soil Ph about 7-neutral 6.8 slightly acid.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff! Thank you for the extra info:)
DeleteI use cal-max they recommended spraying directly on the leaves... the nursery said egg shells would work but it takes while to decompose.
ReplyDeleteHow about oyster shell chicken supliment?
ReplyDeleteHow do you use the epsom salt? do you mix it in the soil, or liquify it and spry it on? How much do you use?